Wednesday, April 18, 2012


April 18, 2012

Hi!  Welcome to my blog!  This is all new to me so bear with me as I learn about blogging and how it all works! 

Since Easter is over and no major holidays are around the corner I thought I would start with some pictures from a past party my family and I did.  Game night or a game themed birthday party. 
My mom is responsible for the cakes and desserts.  She is amazing.  She has always had a knack with decorating and baking and most times uses things she finds around the house, the dollar store, and so on. She's just thrifty that way and always comes out with something beautiful!  I can't even imagine what all she would have conjured up over the years if she had had the money to buy the best baking pans, decorative tips, etc.  Usually using a piece of wax paper attached to a plastic tip and filling it with her own homemade fondant or icing.  She grew up in the depression and knows how to improvise!

We had tables set up throughout the house as "game stations".  Each table had a different type of game or brain teaser. For example, one was pick up sticks, one was a list of brain teaser type questions and right now my mind escapes me as to what the others were, but you get the idea. The games can be as varied as you like, and depending on the age group present, and the amount of time that you want to spend at each station, can help determine the type of game.  If you have a small group then you can just plan one table with a favorite game or two or a game of cards.  Of course with a small group you won't need as many of these amazing desserts and the more you have the cuter the theme becomes. 

If you want you can give out little prizes or favors game related - miniature checker/chess sets, puzzles, cards, etc.  Can also add accents to the table with other game related items, instruction booklets and such.

Here are the pictures of the homemade desserts:

Chinese Checkers cake
We used a real chinese checker board to set the cake on. The cake is just a yellow cak mix.  The star is made out of primary colors of fondant which you can purchase at any craft store.  The marbles are bubblegum balls.

Shortbread card cookies
These cards are just shortbread, shaped and baked with cake coloring.  The dice are fondant.  The cake is just a cake mix with any color icing you prefer.
Domino Brownies
These are just any brownie mix or your own homemade recipe. Covered in black icing with white sprinkle cake decorating dots. 

Scrabble board cookies
These are shortbread cookies (any shortbread recipe). The letters and numbers are written on with black cake coloring.  The stands are from a scrabble game board.  The dice and cup are made of fondant.  Since ours was for a birthday party we spelled out things like Happy Birthday Don, No gift, Yr. older, and other names of people who were in attendance.

Pick up Sticks on Cake with Rubiks Cube
This is an angel food cake covered with whip cream. The pick up sticks are made of fondant. The Rubik's cube is a real rubik's cube. It could be made out of cake and icing if you have the time and patience to make it. There are several with directions online on different websites. 


Monopoly board cake courtesy of Patty Cakes

Candy Land Cake courtesy of taste of home
Cute Monopoly themed table found at Random Musings
or A Deco Lady

Paper plates found at Hallmark store in 1980.You could print
out cutouts of Monopoly board images and glue them
on your own colored paper plates using rubber
cement glue.

make your own scrabble tile coasters
use old scrabble board tiles and glue or
you can buy tiles in craft stores to use
I believe this was a monopoly print she had for the tablecloth.
 Very cute!

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